21.06.2019† Jacobus Johannes Lambertus (Martien) SMEETS sscc (Netherlands)

21.06.2019Pilgrimage on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the canonisation of Father Damien (USA)
From the 4th - 14th of October, the Province of the United States is organising a spiritual pilgrimage to coincide with the 10th anniversary of the canonisation of Father Damien de Veuster sscc. Fr. Herman Gomes sscc, Provincial of the United States, will accompa...

20.06.2019Brothers and sisters novices visit the origins of the Congregation (Brs and Srs)
From Saturday June 8 to June 15, the novices of Spain, France and Congo, together with the Novice Masters of both novitiates, Enrique Losada and María Vidal, made a trip to the sources of the origins of the Congregation, namely, Poitiers and Paris.
They ...

19.06.2019Continue the visit to India (Brs)
Alberto Toutin, after attending the Chapter of Ireland-England, has joined the visit to the region of India, visiting first the House of Formation of Bangalore. Afterwards, he had the opportunity to meet the SSCC brothers and sisters of Bhubaneswar. Today (19 June), he tr...

19.06.2019First vows in Philippines (Brs)
First vows in Philippines (Brs)
On Saturday, 8 June, 2019 five brothers made their temporary profession in the hands of Fr Franciscus Sri Waluyo, Vice Provincial of the Province of Japan-Philippines. The celebration took place In San Charle ...

18.06.2019The archdiocese of Toledo remembers Father Mateo Crawley (Brs)
The Generalate in Rome was very happy to welcome Fr. Miguel Ángel Dionisio Vivas, (Archdiocese of Toledo) in his capacity as deputy diocesan archivist. Last March he presented a lecture about Father Mateo Crawley in the Symposium that took place in Cerro de l...