"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 10.05.2019Damien, a deep sense of the Church In this day of May we celebrate our brother, Father Damien. Rereading all of his letters, for now translated only into English, we can appreciate how Damien had a deep sense of the Church. For him the Church was Christ Today. Not only was the Lord present in the tabernacl...

  • 09.05.2019Meeting of the Bursars of the countries within the Europe-Africa Zone (Srs) The meeting of the bursars of the countries within the Europe-Africa Zone, took place in el Escorial, Madrid, Spain. 12 sisters participated: the bursars of Mozambique, Mª Eugenia Cornejo; the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jolie Kwengani; Spain, Mª Cruz Fern&aacu...

  • 09.05.2019Relics of Blessed Eustaquio visit and bless Paraguay To celebrate the occasion of Armín Pérez making his final vows on 10th May, in Paraguay, the brothers of the Region invited Edmar Oliveira and Vinicius Maciel, vice-postulator for the cause of Blessed Eustaquio of the Province of Brazil, to vi...

  • 08.05.2019Youth ministry (Poland) In our parish in Owinska Fr. Wojciech Bartnicki sscc is working with a group of young people with a view to introducing them to our SSCC spirit. They have meetings once a week on a Sunday evening to help them come to know our charism and spirituality. Last year they ...

  • 07.05.20195th meeting of Altar Boys (Poland) From 1st - 3rd May in our monastery Christ the King in Polanica Zdrój, we had our 5th annual meeting of altar servers who serve in our SSCC parishes. This year there were around 50 boys and their families from Owinska, Cieszecin, Gwizdaly and Po...

  • 06.05.2019Hosting prisoners in Jerez (Spain) The magazine ‘21’ dedicated a report in its May issue to something new that is taking place in Jerez -  prisoners being welcomed into the sscc community.  As part of the process of reeducating prisoners, a scheme has been set up that allows  &ls...

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