04.10.2018Letter of the new Superior General – After the 39th General Chapter (Brs)

02.10.2018† Fr. Raimund (Hans) BARANEK sscc (Germany)
Fr. Raimund Baranek, 93 years old, passed away on 2 October 2018 in Werne (Germany).
He entered the novitiate in 1949 and was professed on 22 August 1950 in Burgbrohl (Germany).
He was ordained a priest in Simpelveld (Netherland) on 24 July 1955.

29.09.2018SAINT MICHAEL, ARCHANGEL, Protector of the Congregation, Memorial


21.09.2018Derek Laverty sscc, new Vicar General (Brs)
In the afternoon session of 21 September 2018, the elected General Superior, Alberto Toutin, presented to the General Chapter the proposal of Derek Laverty (Ireland-England) as Vicar General. The vote has been favorable and Derek has accepted the new service that is reque...

21.09.2018Appointment of Sergio Pérez de Arce sscc as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Chillán in Chile (Brs)
Pope Francis today appointed our brother Sergio Pérez de Arce Arriagada sscc as Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of San Bartolomé de Chillán. Pope Francisco decided to accept the resignation of the bishop of Chillán, Carlos Pellegrin. He ...