"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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"To the heart nothing is far away" (Good Mother)

  • 10.05.2017Priestly ordinations in Batam (Indonesia) (brothers) The Congregation of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary in the Indonesian Province received a special gift on the Feast of St. Damien, Wednesday, May 10 at St. Damien of Molaki Parish Church of Batam Island. Bishop Yohanes Harun Yuwono ordained two deacons of the Congrega...

  • 10.05.2017Blessing of the new Novitiate house of Japan-Philippines (Brs) May 10, the Feast of St. Damien of Molokai. In keeping with the feast the brothers of the province of the Philippines together with the sisters gathered for a splendid and happy celebration of the benediction of the new novitiate house in Silang Cavite, Philippines. The...

  • 09.05.2017Deacon ordination in Manila (brothers) On Tuesday, May 9, our brother Archie Villegas Pérez sscc was ordained deacon. The celebration, presided over by Bishop Antonio Tobias, Bishop of Novaliches, took place in the parish of "The Resurrection" of Bagbag (Quezon City). For this occasion, al...

  • 08.05.2017New Sanctuary of Our Lady of Fatima in Poland (Brs) Over the past three years there has been a major renovation of the house of the Congregation in Polanica-Zdrój (Sokolówka). The changes facilitate the community of the brothers, the novitiate of the province and groups coming for retreats and pastoral get-to...

  • 08.05.2017Canonical visit to Peru-Brazil-Mexico (sisters) The canonical visit of the Territory of Peru-Brazil-Mexico, which belongs to the Zone of Latin America, began on the 6th May. Emperatriz Arrobo, Superior General, and Alicia Mamani, General Counsellor , began the visit in Peru, while Goyi Marín and Aurora Laguarda, gene...

  • 08.05.2017Letter of the Superior General - ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE 39th GENERAL CHAPTER (Brs)

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