CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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Home / Upcoming events
6 -12 January
Retreat of the Peru Zone Fernando Cordero Chaclacayo
21-28 January
Provincial Chapter of Indonesia Alberto Toutin (Batam)
13-15 February
Ongoing Formation Meeting of Superiors (Brothers and Sisters) Alberto Toutin and Patricia Villarroel (El Escorial, Spain)
18-21 February
CAP Ministry Seminar in the context of the 50th anniversary of the SSCC presence Alberto Toutin and Jean-Blaise Mwanda (Kolkata, India)
22-25 February
CAP Executive Committee Alberto Toutin and Jean-Blaise Mwanda (Kolkata, India)
Order breaks down in Paris. Crowds scale the walls of the seminary in Picpus to pillage.