"In Jesus we find everything"

General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome


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“We live our vocation and mission in community. Simplicity and the family spirit are the characteristics of our relationships within our international Congregation, which desires to be open to all people. Our community life gives witness to the Gospel and makes our announcement of redeeming love more convincing.”                                                                                                                          Constitutions, art.7

The Congregation of the SSCC is today present in 33 countries. Our evangelizing mission can be carried out in all cultures, in keeping with the initial intuition of our Founder, who saw us as “a group of missionaries who would spread the Gospel everywhere”. This universality of our mission normally includes the implantation of our Congregation in the places where we serve, and openness to accepting local vocations.

  • BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Fr. David Reid sscc, General Postulatorl, visiting the museum of Blessed P. Eustaquio (08.28.2018)

  • BRASIL, Mário Campos: priestly ordination of Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira sscc (18.08.2018)

  • BRASIL, Mário Campos: priestly ordination of Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira sscc (18.08.2018)

  • BRASIL, Mário Campos: priestly ordination of Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira sscc (18.08.2018)

  • BRASIL, Mário Campos: priestly ordination of Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira sscc (18.08.2018)

  • BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: Meeting of temporary vows, brothers and sisters from Brazil-Paraguay and Territory Peru-Brazil-Mexico (08.15.2018)

  • BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: III National Meeting of SSCC Youth (28-30.04.2018)

  • BRAZIL, Belo Horizonte: III National Meeting of SSCC Youth (28-30.04.2018)

  • BRAZIL, Bello Horizonte: Professed Brothers of Brazil & Paraguay with Fr. Paolo Abreu (23.04.2018)

  • BRAZIL, Bello Horizonte: Deacons Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira & João Lucas Barbosa Alves (17.02.2018)

  • BRAZIL, Bello Horizonte: Deacons Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira & João Lucas Barbosa Alves (17.02.2018)

  • BRAZIL, Bello Horizonte: Deacons Edmar Aparecido de Oliveira & João Lucas Barbosa Alves (17.02.2018)

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