31.05.2024Retreat in preparation for the General Chapters (Paraguay)
On the morning of May 14, the communities of sscc brothers, sisters and lay people from the area of Asunción (Paraguay) gathered for a day retreat. After the opening prayer, the methodology of the conversation in the Spirit was presented and shared after personal r...
30.05.2024Retreat in preparation for the General Chapters (Indonesia)
On Monday, May 27th 2024; the sscc community in Medan North Sumatera came together in St Damian Lau Baleng parish for a time of recollection. The community reflected on the preparation for the general chapter by watching the video o...
29.05.2024101st Assembly of the Union of Superiors General (USG)
The 101st Assembly of the Union of Superiors General (USG) was held at the Domus Pacis House in Assisi from 21 to 24 May. More than 110 Superiors General took part. The theme was a re-reading of the History of the 100 Assemblies of the USG. In fact, the USG was founded in...
28.05.2024† Fr. Osvaldo (Paulo) GONÇALVES sscc (Brazil)
Father Osvaldo, 92 years old, died on 27 May, 2024 in Belo Horizonte (Brazil).
He entered the novitiate in 1951 and he was professed on 11 February 1952 in Tres Poços (Brazil).
He was ordained a priest on 21 December 1957 in Patrocínio (Brazil).
27.05.2024Trip to the congregational roots (Ibérica)
At the beginning of May, a group of older teachers from our SSCC schools in the Iberian Province, who have more than 30 years of professional experience and who are linked to our Congregation, were able to enjoy a trip to the foundational places in France, accompanied by ...
26.05.2024Thank you for your YouTube subscriptions
We would like to thank all of you who have made it possible for us to reach over 1000 subscribers to the Congregation's YouTube channel. This will allow us to live stream some of our General Chapter events next September and in the future. Thank you very much!