CONGREGATION OF THE SACRED HEARTSof JESUS and MARY General Government of the Brothers and Sisters, Rome
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Home / Library / SSCC Spirituality / Reparation
Villegas B_The spirituality of reparation in SSCC (CS 19, 1999)
García J_Reparation (2005)
García J_Reparation (2007)
García J_Reparation (2009)
JF Leandro_Reparation
Reparation (5 key words)
Toutin A_Reparation. Sources and Steps for Renewal E.P.10 (Ed.2018) Word
Toutin A_Reparation. Sources and Steps for Renewal E.P. 10 (Ed 2018) PDF
Following tensions in his diocese, Bishop de Chabot resigns. He joins Father Coudrin at Picpus.